Those charges are most likely a membership fee ($16 yearly until Aug 31st) and an insurance fee ( $42 yearly until Aug 31st ). If you have an upper level student, they could also be the volunteer deposit (up to $30 monthly), and performance fee (up to $20 monthly).

What do those fees mean?

Membership: goes to CircusWest overall, and affords you a discount to our May shows.

Insurance: Covers equipment and any accidents on the gym floor. 

Volunteer deposit: during the year we sometimes need volunteer assistance. These tasks sometimes involve set construction, working on our May show, costume/hair/makeup design, and more. If parents cannot commit that time, we charge the volunteer deposit to ensure we have the resources needed. Volunteer deposits are charged to upper level classes, and the total hours are indicated in your confirmation email.

You can keep track of your volunteer hours and get your deposit back by filling out the volunteer deposit form through the year, returning it to us before August 15th.

Performance fee: If you are part of the Performance troupe, you will be traveling to other locations representing CircusWest. You will also have a major role in the May show. The performance fees offset the costs of running circus shows for the public through the year.